Report Revit Unconnected Wall Height

16 Apr

Saw someone searching for this. Revit does not report Unconnected wall height so how can you put it in a schedule?


Area = Length*Height

Revit reports Area and Length. Solve for Height and:

Unconnected Wall Height = Area/Length

Create a Calculated Value Parameter and put in that formula to report unconnected height.

6 Responses to “Report Revit Unconnected Wall Height”

  1. ben October 16, 2012 at 4:26 pm #

    How do you get around the “Inconsistent Units” error? Is there something else needed here to get Revit to go from linear feet from square feet?

    • ben October 16, 2012 at 4:28 pm #

      Never mind. The Type of Calculate Value needs to be “Length”. Thanks for posting this.

    • paulcrickard October 16, 2012 at 4:30 pm #

      Glad you got it. Revit is ruthless with the units. One trick for me on a lot of things is to multiply by 1. That changes the type sometimes.

  2. Adrian November 2, 2012 at 6:53 am #

    LOL… as long as you don’t mind inaccurate results! If the wall in question has door/window openings then your wall area figure is not that of the entire length of the wall. Autodesk needs to address this now – it’s ridiculous that we even have to have these conversations….. just make the damn paramter accessible!

    • paulcrickard November 2, 2012 at 3:59 pm #

      This is just a simple example of how you could report the height. Yes, if you have cut-outs it will not work, but you know that – and should know that.

      Revit scheduling is awful – but I don’t think they should fix it. What they need to do is provide the ability to export to a database without a plugin – as an export option – and the ability to spatially join data in Revit (maybe?).

      If you use DB Link and export to a database, Unconnected Wall Height is reported. I do not think for any large project you should use Revit Schedules. Your data should be in a database. Revit should stick to modeling. Databases can manage the data. You should be using split models with your buildings anyway and not creating a million properties and entering data in Revit for everything.


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