Tag Archives: OSM

ESRI REST API: GeoCoding OR OpenStreet Map

10 Jun

UPDATE: OpenStreet Map code at bottom.


Saw a Tweet saying that the ArcGIS REST API for Geocoding is moving to a new URL. I use Google when I just needed a single Lat,Long and ArcPy to Geocode CSV’s, but I decided to check out the REST API and throw together a Python script from my old Google one – which I got from Foundations of Python Network Programming.

Not much to the script – pass parameters to a URL and grab the JSON. You can go to the HELP for more info about the parameters – like setting outfields=*;

Here is the script (it grabs the first result):

import urllib, urllib2, simplejson
import csv

param = {‘Address’: ‘400 Roma SE’,’City’:’albuquerque’,’Region’:’nm’,’Postal’:’87102′,’outFields’:’location’,’f’:’pjson’}
url = ‘http://geocode.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/GeocodeServer/findAddressCandidates?’ + urllib.urlencode(param)
rawreply = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
reply = simplejson.loads(rawreply)

print “Long: ”
print reply[“candidates”][0][“location”][“x”]

print “Lat: ”
print reply[“candidates”][0][“location”][“y”]


OpenStreet Map is almost the same, just change the URL and the parameters.

import urllib, urllib2, simplejson
import csv

param = {‘q’: ‘400 roma, albuquerque’,’format’:’json’,’addressdetails’:’1′}
url = ‘http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?’ + urllib.urlencode(param)
rawreply = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
reply = simplejson.loads(rawreply)

print reply[0][“lat”]
print reply[0][“lon”]